by SUPREME BEAN | Feb 14, 2022 | 267, 278, 513, Artist Profiles, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles
#Aallin Artist Name: Aallin Artist Bio i can producer music mix mastering artwork graphic Tell us who you are: Artist name : Aallin genre : hitech psytrance Discover this artist: Song Title: quantum dance Listen:...
by SUPREME BEAN | Feb 14, 2022 | 267, 278, 513, Artist Profiles, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles
#xula Artist Name: xula Artist Bio i make genres of hiphop, RNB and dancehall. check out more of me via my socials Tell us who you are: Xula is a Ugandan based rapper, record producer and artist from Uganda, in East Africa. Check Discover this artist:...
by SUPREME BEAN | Feb 13, 2022 | 267, 278, 513, Artist Profiles, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles
#The Lord Artist Name: The Lord Artist Bio As an artist, I'm abstract. As a human being, I'm also that. Being sexy and ferocious is just who I am, and I pity anyone who attempts to get me to hide that. I have a lot to say – sporadic and tactic, maniac,...
by SUPREME BEAN | Feb 13, 2022 | 267, 278, 513, Artist Profiles, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles
#resurre XXXtion Artist Name: resurre XXXtion Artist Bio i'm jp tryna help my friends and family Tell us who you are: 14-year-old poor tryna help my family Discover this artist: Song Title: Don't You Dare Listen: resurre...
by SUPREME BEAN | Feb 13, 2022 | 267, 278, 513, Artist Profiles, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles
#Pilot Trace Artist Name: Pilot Trace Artist Bio Mainly different forms of alternative hip/hop, never been shy to produce other genres Tell us who you are: Pilot trace is a producer, songwriter, performer, and owner of URLOCALGANG Records. Discover this artist:...
by SUPREME BEAN | Feb 13, 2022 | 267, 278, 513, Artist Profiles, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles
#Omri Ash Artist Name: Omri Ash Artist Bio I've been making music for years, I do everything almost completly myself, (besides using friends for guitar parts or bass lines š ) I released my first album about a year and a half ago and been releasing singles in...