#Michael Joseph McDonough #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Michael Joseph McDonough
Who are you?
55 years writing hooks and music . I was a Locomotive Engineer with CSX Transportation. I am a Rythym and Blues fan, Prog Rock , all in on the new Alternative scene and loving what’s coming out of Spotify and Soundcy. I have about 74 or more songs on SoundCloud. I am primarily a guitarist. Keyboard player bass etc..
Where are you from?
Baltimore to South Carolina and now Rochester Minnesota
How can we follow you?
on.soundcloud.com/7yxyJFGnrFKsdmTy8 on.soundcloud.com/ufXEB3MyCTpZZWcp7
Song Title: Subsonic blue, The Calm pt 2
Listen to Michael Joseph McDonough:
Source: supremepr.us/