HBM Tyrez

by | Sep 6, 2023

Published by The Supreme Team on September 6, 2023

#HBM Tyrez #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: HBM Tyrez

Who are you?

As an artist I would describe myself as a fairly new artist with a meaningful message to spread love and positivity to the future generations of the world. I have a goal to be an artist that kids can look up too and show kids that the violence and negativity that these other artists brainwash them with is not the only option they have to fit it or be considered cool in hopes that everyone can learn to be themselves and love one another.

Where are you from?

I’m from Charlotte,NC the music scene in my area is very small and almost nonexistent. My city lacks big studios and not many major artists come from my area but I have seen a lot of growth in the music scene and have high hopes for my city in the future.

How can we follow you?

I would highly recommend fans to follow my Spotify and can also follow my instagram page at famous_Tyrez.

Song Title: Nina

Listen to HBM Tyrez:

Source: supremepr.us/