by | Nov 30, 2023

Published by The Supreme Team on November 30, 2023

#CR8G¡ #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: CR8G¡

Who are you?

As an Artist, I feel like I’m really authentic when it comes to the music scene, I like to make music that’s based off my moods.

Where are you from?

What’s good, I’m from Charleston, Sc & The music scene is far as upcoming rappers such as myself everybody pretty much doing the same thing, grinding. Everybody doing their lil own videos, recording sessions & more .

How can we follow you?

Everyone can follow my only social IG & Twitter which is @Golilcraigg, my YouTube : CR8G¡ & also my SoundCloud which is “Twitter “CR8G¡”

Song Title: Day At A Time

Listen to CR8G¡:
