SUPREME{PR} Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Reposts

Month: February 2023




#jinoo #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: jinoo Who are you? I'm a melancholic and rnb artist Where are you from? I'm from toronto, the music scene is quite competitive here. How can we follow you? Song Title: Solace Listen to jinoo: Source:...


#Saturnforeign #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Saturnforeign Who are you? Iā€™m a rapper I would say I want to make u feel like your in space when u listen to my music I mean my names Saturn thatā€™s ultimately what Iā€™m going for space Where are you from? Iā€™m from Az and the...
Pop Five

Pop Five

#Pop Five #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Pop Five Who are you? I would say iā€™m a hard worker fighting for a dream while very independent. Where are you from? Iā€™m From Jersey City,Nj The music scene is mostly drill and upcoming rappers. How can we follow you? Pop Five on...
The Calm Storms

The Calm Storms

#The Calm Storms #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: The Calm Storms Who are you? I live a quiet, simple but fulfilling life and use music as an avenue to vent my joys, and also my deep frustrations at the horrors of the depths of control and manipulation we all experience...